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Transform Your Mornings: 3 Ways to Start the Day with Jesus

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2025

Have you ever noticed how the way you start your morning can shape your whole day? It’s like setting the course for everything that follows. For me, beginning the day with Jesus isn’t just a habit—it’s an anchor. It reminds me of who I am, whose I am, and what really matters before the noise of the world starts creeping in.

If you’re longing for a way to weave Jesus into your mornings in a meaningful (and doable) way, here are three simple but powerful practices to help you start your day in His presence.

1. Worship While You Wash

Let’s be real—mornings can be rushed. Between brushing teeth, making coffee, and taking care of other people in our family, it can feel like there’s no time for anything else. But what if I told you that worship can fit seamlessly into your daily routine?

One of my favorite ways to bring Jesus into my morning is worshipping while I go about those everyday tasks. Imagine this: You’re washing your face or making breakfast, and in the background, worship m...

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5 Ways to Build Your Own "Remembering Tool" For When You Need It Most


I don’t know about you, but sometimes my heart forgets what my mind knows. I know God is faithful, I know He is in control, I know He works all things for good. But in the middle of discouragement or uncertainty, those truths can feel distant—like I’m grasping for them in the dark.

That’s one of the reasons I love Bible journaling. It isn’t just something I do in the moment; it’s something that builds a foundation of truth I can return to when I need it most.

A Time I Needed to Remember

A while back, I went through a season of deep discouragement over the loss of the Craft-n-Doodle. It was something I had poured so much time, energy, and heart into, and when it didn’t go the way I had hoped, I felt like I had failed. My thoughts spiraled with questions: Had I heard God wrong? Was all that effort for nothing?

Ten years of hard work and big dreams had vanished in an instant—like running full speed, only to collide with a brick wall out of nowhere. I had given everything—time away ...

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Fighting Temptation with Pen and Paper: The Power of Bible Journaling

bible journaling Jan 16, 2025

Hey there, friend. Let’s be real for a moment—have you ever been in the thick of temptation and felt like it was impossible to fight back? Whether it’s biting your tongue when you’d rather let loose, resisting a habit you know isn’t good for you, or staying focused on God when distractions are everywhere, we all know the struggle. It’s tough. But here’s some good news: Bible journaling can be your secret weapon in this battle. Let me share how it’s worked for me and how it might help you, too.

1. Anchoring Your Mind in God’s Word

You know that verse in Psalm 119:11 that says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (ESV)? That’s exactly what Bible journaling helps us do. When you take time to write down scripture, highlight it, or even doodle around it, you’re doing more than just being creative—you’re planting God’s truth deep in your heart.

So when temptation pops up (because it always does), journaling Lamentations 3:22-23 (“The steadfast love o...

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How to Write Your Faith Story: A Guide to Journaling

bible journaling Jan 04, 2025

When was the last time you paused to marvel at how God’s hand has guided and transformed your life? The highs, the lows, and all the moments in between—they weave together to tell a beautiful story of His faithfulness and grace. Writing a synopsis of your faith journey is a meaningful way to capture that story, and it’s easier than you might think. Not only will it deepen your relationship with God, but it will also serve as a legacy for your children and a testimony to share with others.

Ready to get started? Let’s break it down step by step.

1. Start with Your Salvation Story

Every faith journey begins somewhere. Think back to the moment you first realized you needed a Savior and you experienced God's grace firsthand. Maybe Perhaps it was a powerful moment at a retreat where everything clicked, and you knew you needed Jesus. For me, it was a moment in 1979 that forever changed my life when I responded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit at a revival meeting—and my life hasn’t been...

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Develop an Intimate Relationship with God Through Bible Journaling

Uncategorized Dec 05, 2024

Have you ever imagined sitting down with Jesus, just the two of you, sharing a quiet moment together? You ask Him to speak to you, and as He does, you treasure every word. You might even grab a pen and jot down what He says, so you’ll never forget it.

That’s what Bible journaling feels like for me—a sacred time to sit with Jesus, slow down, and let His Word come alive. It’s an invitation to deepen our relationship with Him by lingering in His truth and recording what He’s speaking to our hearts.

For busy Christian women like us, life can feel overwhelming. Between work, family, church, and everything else, it’s easy to rush through our quiet time—or even skip it altogether. But Bible journaling offers us a way to slow down, focus, and truly encounter God in His Word.

The Gift of Slowing Down

We live in a world that glorifies speed and productivity. But when it comes to our relationship with God, He invites us to a different pace:

"You will seek me and you will find me if you see...

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3 Tips for Quickly Finding your Bible Journaling Entries

bible journaling Aug 08, 2024

Bible journaling is a beautiful practice that allows us to engage with scripture creatively and deepen our understanding of God's Word. As we fill our Bible pages with personal reflections and artistic expressions, it's important to have efficient methods for locating the verses we have journaled. In this blog post, we will explore 3 quick and practical ways to find the verses you have journaled in your Bible, ensuring easy access to your meaningful entries.

1. Create a Personal Index


Building a personal index is an effective way to organize and locate the verses you have journaled in your Bible. Start by dedicating a few blank pages at the beginning or end of your Bible specifically for indexing purposes. As you journal, make a note of the verse references or key themes alongside the corresponding page numbers. This index will serve as a handy guide to quickly find the verses you want to revisit, saving you time and frustration. If you have my Bible Journaling Bootcamp Course, ...

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Use Bible Journaling to Keep a Valuable Record of What God is Teaching You

Uncategorized Aug 08, 2024

Bible journaling is not only a creative outlet but also a powerful tool for spiritual growth and reflection.

As we engage with scripture and meditate on its truths, we often discover profound lessons that God imparts to us personally.

Keeping a record of these teachings through Bible journaling allows us to reflect on our spiritual journey, revisit the truths God is teaching us, and witness our growth over time.

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of recording what God is teaching you through Bible journaling and share practical tips to help you create a meaningful spiritual journal.

1. Reflect on what you have read

Through Bible journaling, we create a visual representation of our thoughts, prayers, and reflections on scripture. By recording what God is teaching us, we create a lasting reference to revisit later. As you journal, take a moment to reflect on the lessons you've learned, the insights gained, and the impact these teachings have on your faith and l...

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3 things Bible Journaling is NOT

Bible journaling has become a popular and creative way for believers to connect with God's Word. It provides a unique way to engage with scripture through artistic expression. However, it is essential to understand what Bible journaling is NOT, to prevent losing sight of its true purpose and spiritual significance. In this blog post, we will explore three important aspects that Bible journaling should not be, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the message of God’s Word rather than fixating only on the art.

Not an Artistic Competition:

Bible journaling is not a competition to create the most visually stunning or elaborate artwork. It is not about comparing your artistic abilities with others. Every individual has a unique style, and the focus should be on personal expression and connection with God, rather than outdoing others in terms of creativity. Every entry you create has the potential to be a valuable reminder of the truths God is teaching you. Therein lies the greatest v...

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Try This Peaceful Style of Bible Journaling

In a world filled with noise and busyness, finding peace and tranquility is a precious gift. Bible journaling offers a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos, providing a peaceful and simple style of creative expression. By embracing minimalism and focusing on the essence of what we read in God’s Word, we can create a serene space that allows us to connect deeply with God's Word. In this blog post, we will explore the beauty of a simple style of Bible journaling and how it can cultivate a sense of peace for your mind and nourishment for your heart.

1. Embrace Minimalism:

A peaceful and simple approach to Bible journaling involves embracing minimalism in our creative expression. Instead of elaborate designs or intricate artwork, we focus on simplicity and minimal embellishments. This style allows the words of scripture to take center stage, inviting us to savor and meditate on their meaning. By intentionally decluttering our pages, we create a visual calmness that promotes a tranquil atmo...

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Discover the Character of God Through Bible Journaling

The pursuit of a deeper understanding of God's character is a lifelong journey that brings us closer to His heart. Bible journaling, a creative and introspective practice, provides a unique avenue for discovering and unveiling the multifaceted nature of God. When we combine our artistic expression with time in God's Word, we embark on a transformative journey that reveals His love, mercy, wisdom, and faithfulness. In this blog post, we will explore how Bible journaling can become a powerful tool for discovering and experiencing the character of God in a personal and profound way, and we’ll talk about how to record what you learn in a creative way so you can be reminded of His character when you need it most.

 Engaging with Scripture:

Bible journaling invites us to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, studying, meditating, and reflecting on His teachings, promises, and stories. As we select passages that resonate with us and then explore their meaning, we gain insight into the charac...

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