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5 Ways to Build Your Own "Remembering Tool" For When You Need It Most


I don’t know about you, but sometimes my heart forgets what my mind knows. I know God is faithful, I know He is in control, I know He works all things for good. But in the middle of discouragement or uncertainty, those truths can feel distant—like I’m grasping for them in the dark.

That’s one of the reasons I love Bible journaling. It isn’t just something I do in the moment; it’s something that builds a foundation of truth I can return to when I need it most.

A Time I Needed to Remember

A while back, I went through a season of deep discouragement over the loss of the Craft-n-Doodle. It was something I had poured so much time, energy, and heart into, and when it didn’t go the way I had hoped, I felt like I had failed. My thoughts spiraled with questions: Had I heard God wrong? Was all that effort for nothing?

Ten years of hard work and big dreams had vanished in an instant—like running full speed, only to collide with a brick wall out of nowhere. I had given everything—time away from my family, risk when I was afraid, countless prayers—and now, it was all gone. The shock was so sudden, it felt like the wind had been knocked out of me, leaving me stunned and disoriented, wondering if all those years had been in vain.

I remember sitting down one day, feeling the weight of it all, and flipping through my verse ring. If you’re not familiar with it, my verse ring is a collection of truth statements and scriptures I’ve written down over time—things God has spoken to me in moments of clarity, things I knew I needed to hold onto.

As I turned each card, God met me there. Truth after truth washed over my heart:

"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me." (Psalm 138:8)
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 29:11)
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." (Psalm 31:24)

With each verse, it was as if God was wrapping a bold blanket of peace around me. Nothing about my circumstances had changed, but something in my spirit had shifted. I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t forgotten. God was still writing my story, even if I couldn’t see the next chapter yet.

Building Your Own Collection of Truth

That moment reminded me why Bible journaling is so much more than just a creative outlet—it’s a way to store up truth for the days when you need it most. If you want to start building your own collection of truth, here are a few simple ways:

  1. During your quiet time, ask God for a truth statement for the day. This could be a verse, a promise, or even just a reminder of who He is.

  2. Write it down in the margins of your Bible, in a journal, or on an index card. If you use a verse ring like I do, you can keep adding to it over time.

  3. Decorate it if you’d like! Stickers, washi tape, and doodles can make it more visually engaging, but the real treasure is in the words themselves.

  4. Review it regularly. The power of these truths isn’t just in writing them down—it’s in returning to them, letting them anchor your heart again and again.

  5. Use them when discouragement comes. When you feel overwhelmed, go back to what you’ve written. Let the truth you journaled in the light guide you through the dark.

God’s Truth is Always There

Looking back, I can see how God used that moment to steady my heart. He reminded me that my worth isn’t tied to a project’s success or failure. He reminded me that He sees the big picture when I only see a small piece. And most of all, He reminded me that His Word is a source of comfort and strength whenever I need it.

Maybe today, you need a reminder too. If you do, I encourage you—open up your Bible, pick up your pen, and start writing down the truths God speaks to you. Because when your heart forgets, those words will be waiting to remind you.

You can receive stickers and designed cards ready for you to easily add your own truth statements with a subscription to the Bible Journaling Idea Kit.



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