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Looking for Joy? Find it in Bible Journaling!

    We’re all looking for joy as we go through our day….and through our life. When we discover things that elicit joy in our lives, it can be a transformative and empowering experience.  You may, along with myself and many others, find yourself searching in all the wrong places to find the joy that so easily eludes us when we don’t know where to look. I’ve discovered that when I look for joy on the shelves of my pantry, (chocolate anyone?) the joy doesn’t last long.

    God’s Word is a source of true joy, and Bible journaling is not only fun, but on a deeper level, it offers a unique avenue for discovering His lasting joy as we engage with scripture. It’s rewarding to be able to express yourself artistically while spending time with the Creator of the Universe.  Then you have the privilege of experiencing that joy over and over again when you go back to review what you’ve written down. 

    When we combine creativity and faith in the process of Bible journaling, we discover a meaningful source of inspiration and spiritual growth. It’s both enjoyable and rewarding. In this blog post we’re going to look at 4 ways Bible journaling can be a fun exercise where you find joy and infuse your life with a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

1. Develop Your Own Creative Worship:

    One definition of worship says that worship is “the awed response to the saving acts and praiseworthy character of God”. When we become aware of who God is, our response is to worship Him.  Bible journaling merges creativity and faith, providing an opportunity for genuine and joyful worship. As we immerse ourselves in the process of coloring, lettering, and illustrating God’s Word, we connect with God on a personal level. The act of creating becomes an act of worship, allowing us to express gratitude, praise, and adoration. By dedicating intentional time to Bible journaling, we create space for joy to flow as we honor our Creator through our creative efforts. Imagine yourself writing out prayers of adoration paired with some stickers or doodles in the margin of your Bible. It’s a wonderful outlet for praise. 


2. Record Personal Revelation:

    Bible journaling opens doors to personal revelation and spiritual insight. As we engage with Scripture, and take time to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to us, we unearth hidden gems, profound truths, and life-changing revelations. Through the process of visually representing these insights in our journals, we create tangible reminders of God's wisdom and love. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate. Even simple doodles and a few words will draw our eye back to that truth again and again. The joy of discovery and the excitement of connecting the dots of spiritual truth fill our hearts with a sense of wonder and awe. It’s so rewarding to experience that lightbulb moment when God reveals His truth to us in a personal way. *This would be a great place to doodle a little lightbulb in the margin. 🙂  

3. Cultivating Joy through Gratitude and Contentment:

    Gratitude and contentment are essential components of a joy-filled life. It might seem like joy would logically come from favorable circumstances, but that’s not necessarily true.  When we choose to be grateful for God’s goodness and content with what God has given us, joy is cultivated and then it grows. Bible journaling provides an outlet for expressing gratitude and cultivating contentment as we reflect on God's goodness and blessings in our lives. By recording answered prayers, or highlighting verses that inspire gratitude, we nurture a heart of thanksgiving. As we focus on the abundance of God's provision, joy naturally takes root and flourishes within us.



4. Share Your Story and Inspire Others:

    Bible journaling isn't just an individual practice; it's a thriving community where like-minded individuals come together to share their experiences, techniques, and insights.  By sharing our journaling creations, testimonies, and lessons learned, we inspire and uplift fellow believers on their faith journeys. Through local Bible journaling communities and social media groups such as Everyday Faith, we connect with a network of like minded women who share our passion for creative expression and spiritual growth. Bible journaling then becomes a catalyst for meaningful conversation and shared experience.  When you share with others the truths God is teaching you, it not only solidifies those truths more firmly in your mind, but it can also encourage and inspire the heart of the listener. 

     Bible journaling sparks joy by inviting us to encounter God, explore His Word, and express our hearts through creativity. As we put our pen to paper, we unlock the joy of worship, discover personal applications, cultivate gratitude, and then, hopefully, share our journey with others. In the process, our lives are infused with a renewed sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

    If you haven’t already started Bible journaling, I hope you consider giving it a try . The perfect place to begin is in our FREE workshop4 Steps to Restore Peace and Experience Rest with Bible Journaling.  In that workshop you’ll get to watch over my shoulder, create an entry right along with me and learn the exact steps you can take to start your own Bible journaling journey. It’s worth your time to register for the workshop and experiencing for yourself the true joy of creating your own Bible journaling entries you’ll cherish for a lifetime. Click HERE to register today and I'll see you there! 😊


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